The Refinery is the beating heart of your base! It processes raw materials and resources gathered during mining, like Raw Ore, Gas, and Crystal.

Through this building, you have the ability to refine your resources into Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic. You can then use these refined materials to upgrade your Ships, Base or invest them in Research!

The Refinery results get better when your Operations Level increases and are not tied to your Refinery building level. You will be rewarded with raw Ore, Gas, and Crystal materials when you upgrade your Refinery building.

  • Refine G3 raw materials at Ops level 30.
  • To refine G4, you'll need to be at Ops 40 for Common, Ops 41 for Uncommon, Ops 43 for Rare, and Ops 45 for Epic.
  • To refine G5 materials, you'll need Ops 51 for Common, Ops 53 for Uncommon, Ops 55 for Rare, and Ops 57 for Epic.