Accepted payment method
Accepted payment methods may vary by country. However, these are the ones that are commonly used:
  • Credit cards
  • iTunes cards
  • iTunes Store gift certificates
For more information about accepted payment methods, kindly visit this article.

Add or remove a payment method
1. Open your device Settings
2. Tap on your name at the top of the list
3. Tap on ""View Apple ID"" and sign in to your ID
4. Tap ""Manage Payments"" to view the list of all your current payment methods
1)Tap “Add Payment Method” to add a new payment method to your Apple ID.
2) Tap “Edit” in the upper-right corner of the screen, and tap the “Remove” icon, or swipe left to delete the payment method
5. In order to save your changes, tap on ""Done""

You can update and reorder the payment methods by following the same steps above.

For more information about changing or removing payment methods, kindly visit this article.