To fully enjoy STFC, the game requires at least the following specs:
- OS 5.1 or better
- Supported: 2 GB of RAM minimum
- iOS 13 or better
- 2 GB of RAM minimum
- CPU: Intel i3 4130 3.4GHz
- GFX: Intel Graphics 4400
- RAM: 8GB
- OS: Win 10 64bit
Mac OS
- CPU: 1.3GHz dual-core Intel Core i5
- GFX: Intel HD Graphics 5000
- Memory: 4GB of 1600MHz LPDDR3
- OS 11 Big Sur
If you receive a message stating that there is not enough memory in your disk when actually there is, please make sure that you install the game in the Applications folder.
Additional troubleshooting steps for Mac machines:

Additional troubleshooting steps for Mac machines:
1# Update your system
Go to your system Settings: Press CMD⌘ + Space and search for Settings
Check if there are any pending updates: go to General > Software Update, if there is an update available, clicking Update Now will show you through steps to update your system:
2# Try repairing the game
Open the game launcher and click Options > Repair and wait the launcher to finish the process:
3# Try to Uninstall and Install again
Open the game launcher and click Options > Uninstall and wait the launcher to finish the process.
Click Uninstall and wait the process to complete and install the game again
4# If the steps above didn’t work:
Open finder: Press CMD⌘ + Space and search for Finder
Go to the menu at the top and click Go > Home
Enable to show hidden files and folders pressing CMD⌘ + Shift + . (dot), locate the folder /Users/<YOUR USER NAME>/Library/Application\ Support/com.scopely.startrek/ and delete it selecting it and pressing CMD⌘ + Backspace
Then repeat steps 2 and 3.
Kindly keep in mind that these specs alone might not be enough to enjoy the game.
If you’re still experiencing problems, even with the conditions mentioned above met, please get in touch with us with a detailed description of your issue. Make sure to include what type of hardware you are trying to run the game on.
If you’re still experiencing problems, even with the conditions mentioned above met, please get in touch with us with a detailed description of your issue. Make sure to include what type of hardware you are trying to run the game on.
If the answer to your issue is not listed above, please check the Known Issues section.