Conquest Campaigns are be available at level 20 through a toggle button on the World Map. After hitting the button, the player will enter their first Conquest Campaign, which will start at Area 1, Stage 1.

Each Conquest Campaign spans over the entirety of the World Map (all 4 maps, over 390 stages), and is a much harder, single completion PVE mode with all new challenges, enemies, and rewards. As you progress through Conquest Campaigns, your new, passive reward generation will increase, which is called Tribute.

After unlocking Conquest Campaigns, your Town Hall will start generating Tribute! Tribute is made up of various rewards that your Conquered regions pay to you in exchange for protection. Tribute will contain new items that will be used to power up Fighters as well as familiar Trainers, Tokens, Food, and Materials. Each time you return to the game new Tribute rewards will be waiting for you to claim at your Town Hall, just like a Farm or Material Post.

Unlike other systems, your Tribute rewards do not increase by leveling up your Town Hall, but rather by progressing through Conquest Campaigns. The more Conquest levels you beat, the more rewards your subjects will donate as tribute!

Single Completion LevelsUnlike the World Map, all Conquest Stages can only be completed one time. This means you will not be able to go back and replay these stages, and will instead move on to the next, more challenging level. After you’ve cleared the entire Conquest Campaign, it restarts from Area 1 at an even higher difficulty and with more rewards. There will be two Conquest Campaigns at launch, with many more on the way.

No Battle Items or Faction SupportersConquest mode is first and foremost supposed to provide a PvE challenge. To preserve the difficulty of Conquest Campaigns, battles in Conquest will have a turn limit and no battle items or Faction Supporters will be allowed in the mode. We feel that battle items are too powerful and may undermine the design of Conquest Campaigns, and we want you to tackle these levels on your own!

For more detailed information about Conquest and Mythic Fighters, please checkout this article.