Usually, purchased packs arrive within a few hours after the purchase completion, but if you haven't received what you bought, please get in touch with us!
It's essential to include a screenshot of your order receipt where the transaction ID is visible. The transaction ID looks like this - GPA.1111-1111-1111-11111 and is located at the bottom of the document.
For Canceled purchases
If your order was canceled, you will not be charged for it.
However, Google Play may put a temporary “reservation” on your credit card equal to the purchase value. These “reservations” clear automatically in a short period.
Canceled purchases will most likely occur if your billing address and/or the name registered in your Google Wallet is different than the one on your credit card.
Straighten this out by contacting your bank to confirm details, log into your Google Pay, and enter “Payment Methods” to verify that your information is consistent.