How do I call Bingo on a Card?
1. Call Bingos to help Farmer Francis bash some moles!
2. Get the energy drink down to a can and win Bingos.
3. Bingos gives you energy drinks!

 How does the collection work?
1. Use energy drinks to start playing.
2. Bash moles as they pop up.
3. Win chips for every mole you bash!
4. Play in higher modes for MORE FUN and MORE CHIPS!


   - Modes:
1.  Choose from three available modes.
2.  As you advance, higher modes will become available to you in the collections. These higher modes require more energy drinks, but also provide greater rewards. Utilize a variety of modes to obtain bigger rewards.

- Bonus Rewards:
1. Collecting the pouch will pay you a Bonus reward.
- Helmet mole:
1.  To bash this mole, the helmet must be removed first. It requires two hits to accomplish this.
2.  The initial hit removes the helmet, while the subsequent hit bashes the mole.

- Golden Hammer:
1.  You can clear all the moles present on the screen by tapping on the Golden Hammer.
- Quicker Mole:
1. This mole is quicker than the others and will run away faster.
2. Tap on it before it gets away.
- Time Power up:

 1. The time power-up gives you extra time to bash the mole.

- Bomb:
1.  The bomb is an abstacle; tapping on it will result in the loss of chips. Make sure to steer clear of it. 


 - Refunds:  

 1.  If you are unable to tap on the moles for any technical reason, you will be refunded the energy drinks.

- Puzzle Piece: 
 - Gifting: 
 Gifts will be randomly given.