Q1: I made a purchase, but it's not showing up in my game. What should I do?

A: If your purchase is not reflecting in the game, it may be due to a temporary issue with network or payment servers. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  1. Close and Reopen the Bingo Bash App:

    • Close the app and reopen it to refresh the connection.
  2. Wait and Reload:

    • Wait for a few minutes, then reload the Bingo Bash game to allow time for the purchase to register.
  3. Check Payment History:

    • Verify your Payment History to confirm whether the purchase was successful.

Q2: The troubleshooting tips didn't resolve the issue. What's the next step?

A: If none of the above steps work, please contact Player Services using the "Support" or "Chat with us" option. Alternatively, you can send an email with a concise description of the issue along with your Bingo Bash user ID to bashsupport@scopely.com.