Q1: What happens if I face a connection issue during a game?

A: In the event of a disconnection, the game typically continues, and if you manage to reconnect to the same room within a few seconds, you can resume the round seamlessly.

Q2: What if I encounter an 'Out of Sync' or 'Connection Lost' error message?

A: If a disconnection leads to these error messages or the game freezing due to a loss of connection with our servers, rest assured that any used chips and Power plays will be reimbursed. However, if the loss of connection is from your end, there won't be a reimbursement for items.

Q3: Are reimbursements guaranteed for connection issues?

A: Reimbursements depend on various factors, and players may or may not receive them. If you've lost in-game currency and wish to request an investigation or reimbursement, please contact our Support team.

Q4: How do I contact Support regarding connection-related concerns?

A: For assistance with connection issues, lost items, or any related queries, please reach out to our Support team  Contact Support . They are dedicated to helping you resolve any concerns and ensuring a smooth gaming experience.

Feel free to contact us with any further questions or concerns not addressed in this FAQ.