Frequently Asked Questions
How do I turn notifications off?
To turn off notifications, go to your phone or tablet’s ‘Settings’ and look for ‘Notifications’. You can change your notification preference...
Can I play for free?
There are many ways to play for FREE in Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks!Even after you run out of the initial stock of Coins you start with, you can...
How come I get a notice that ads are unavailable?
If you're seeing this message, it means either:- you've seen all the ads you can today- Our ad vendors do not have any ads to show you at th...
Why didn’t I get as many Coins in my Chest as advertised?
The random contents of the Chest will total the amount displayed in Coins. You will not necessarily receive all of that in Coins but the tot...
How do I change my language?
You can now change the in-game language within Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks. Simply navigate to the ‘Language’ button within the ‘Menu’. Please n...