What are Clubs?
Clubs are a way you can work together with other players to win extra prizes that make the game more fun and rewarding! These prizes are wee...
How can I find, join or start a Club?
Once you've reached level 21, you can join a Club. Once you've reached level 31, you may create a Club.If you're not a member of a Club, tap...
What are my responsibilities as a Club Leader?
As a Club Leader, you set the direction for your Club. Aside from creating the Club name and Club motto, you can decide if the Club is publi...
What are Club Notes?
Club Notes are a way for Club Leaders and Co-Leaders to share important news with their Club. You can find your Club Notes Board by opening ...
How do I become Club Champ?
The top three players in your Club can be recognized each week with a crown on their portrait for extra bragging rights!How it works:Be in a...
What are the 7 Club Leagues?
Rookie, Wood, Stone, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Legend.
Can I change my Club's name?
Unfortunately, we do not allow Clubs to change their name at this time. You can, however, create a new Club with the name you're wanting.
How do I leave my current Club?
Enter the Club Island View by Clicking on the “Club” button in the lower left. Then Click on the Clubhouse to open up the member list. At th...
What is a Perk?
Perks are weekly rewards you and your Club can work together to earn. Every week the Perks reset to a new set of Rewards, like Free Play tic...
What is a Tribute? Why should I collect them?
Tributes cool the Volcano, which keeps it from erupting so your Perks stay active longer or, if it's already erupted, appease it by resettin...
What are Club Tournaments?
Club Tournaments are weekly events that run alongside the Perk Events every week (from 12:00pm ET Friday morning to 11:59pm ET Thursday nigh...
What is a Club Gift?
Club Gifts are available for purchase in the Shop next to the Clubhouse. Here, you may claim or purchase gifts for your Club. In the Shop, y...
What does the Volcano do?
The Volcano is the nemesis of Perk Benefits! The Volcano meter slowly fills over time - once it reaches the top it erupts, which temporarily...
How do I chat with my Club Members?
You can chat with your Club Members from almost anywhere in the game. Simple press the chat tab in the middle of the right edge of the ...
What are Club Competitions?
The Club Competition is a two-day event where five Clubs compete against each other for Gem Rewards. Participation is easy! A Club must simp...
What happens during the Club Competition?
Once the qualifying stage has ended, the Competition Stage immediately begins. A Club with enough qualifying members is matched against 4 ot...
How do I use my Shovels?
Once you’ve earned Shovels from winning a game, you must immediately use them on the Treasure Island to dig for gold!The Treasure Island is ...
How does my Club qualify for Club Competitions?
In order to partake in a Club Competition, at least 10 members of your Club must first qualify. Qualifying is the way a...
If I am a Club Leader, how do I remove or promote a Teammate?
From the member view, ("My Club" tab in the Clubhouse), you can tap on any member's name or information to get a pop-up box of options: Use...
What is the countdown timer on my Club page telling me?
This timer represents how much time your Club has to earn the available Perks and Chests. Be sure to choose the Perks you work towards wisel...
If my Club completes a Perk, does everyone receive the reward?
Completed Perks are awarded to everyone in the Club. However, the Club Leader has the ability to remove any players they feel are not contri...
What are Gems?
Gems are like Coins, but instead of spending them on levels, you can spend Gems in the Club Shop on unique rewards. Gems can be found random...
What does a Co-Leader do?
Co-Leaders have a special set of abilities - not as much as Leaders, but more than general Club Members:- Promote other Club Members to Co-L...
What is a Club Quest?
Club Quests are ways to earn rewards with your Club Mates. Once a player reaches the limit, a green checkmark will appear indicating that th...
How do I change the order of Perks my Club works on?
Leaders and Co-Leaders will be able to set their Club's perk order based on their desired strategy. Move and drop Perks in the order you see...
What is Seahorse Streak?
When the Seahorse Streak event is active, you’ll see a seahorse on the right center side of your game screen:From there, you’ll be introduce...
New Club Chat
We’ve updated Club chat so it’s easier on the eyes and provides you with more ways to express yourselves! The Club notes still occupy the up...
How do I play Club Race?
How many players are required to play?There is no minimum number of players required. Teams will be matched based on the number of players p...