Q: Why are all prices on the Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks website displayed in USD?

A: Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks is a US-based game and therefore, all prices on our website are listed in US dollars.


Q: Can I purchase items on the Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks website using a different currency?

A: No, we only accept payments made in USD on our website. However, your bank may convert the transaction into your local currency at the standard conversion rate.


Q: How do I know what the USD to my local currency conversion rate is?

A: You can check the current conversion rate from USD to your local currency using a currency conversion tool or by contacting your bank.


Q: Will I be charged additional fees for currency conversion when I make a purchase on the Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks website?

A: It depends on your bank or credit card company's policies. Some may charge a conversion fee for international transactions, so we recommend checking with your bank or credit card company before making a purchase.


Q: Are there any discounts available for international customers due to currency conversion?

A: No, all prices on the Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks website are fixed and do not vary based on currency conversion rates or location. 


Q: What should I do if I have questions about a specific transaction on the Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks website?

A: For any questions about your specific transactions, please contact our purchasing partner Xsolla directly. You can find more information about how to contact them by referring to our FAQ here: https://scopely.helpshift.com/hc/faq/6931-how-do-i-request-a-refund-for-a-purchase-made-via-the-web-shop/. They will be able to assist you with any issues or questions you may have about your purchase.


Q: Why is my final price different than the listed price?

All prices are initially displayed in USD and do not include regional taxes, currency conversion rates, or any associated fees that might arise from third-party purchasing platforms (e.g., PayPal). If you have specific inquiries about how your final price was calculated, please contact our partner, Xsolla, for assistance.