How to Play
Introduction to Scrabble (Web)
Like all the best games, Scrabble is easy to learn, but difficult to master. Still, If this is your first time playing Scrabble, you should ...
Playing Scrabble Web/Scrabble GO on multiple devices
If you connect to Facebook account to play on playscrabble.com then you won't be able to play using the same Scrabble Go account on your mob...
How do I sign up?You can sign up at the bottom of the left sidebar of the website.When starting a new game, you will be asked to log in to a...
Basic Gameplay
To begin each game, both players are given seven tiles from the tile bag. The site will determine which player goes first.If you’re going fi...
Scores are automatically calculated when you enter a word. The score of your move is the sum of the letter values in each word formed by you...
Blank Tiles
Two of the 100 tiles in English-language Scrabble are “blanks.” You may use them as any letter you wish. This makes them extremely valu...
Swapping Tiles
If you cannot find a word on your turn, you may use your turn to swap tiles instead. Select “Swap” from the menu and click on the tiles you ...
There are several options for the amount of time you would like to spend playing your game. In each case, both you and your opponent will re...
Tile Bag
The tiles you have yet to see either on the board or on your rack are displayed on screen at all times. You’ll see three numbers: Tile Bag, ...
Turn History
The Turn History window shows the plays made in the current game, from most recent to least recent. Clicking any word in this window will re...
End of Game
When all of the letters have been drawn and one player empties their rack by using their last letter/s, the game is over. The player with ti...
Skipping & Resigning
You may skip your turn at any time by clicking “Skip” and confirming your choice in the pop-up menu. In general, this is only done when a pl...
Each game of Scrabble that you start will use the language dictionary that you have selected to the right of the main board. Once you start ...
How can you place a word on the board?
When playing on your computer, you can drag and drop the tiles to the board or click on the board where the arrow will appear for which way ...