Each game of Scrabble that you start will use the language dictionary that you have selected to the right of the main board.

Once you start a game in a given language, you must complete that game in that language. You may start a new game in a different language but you cannot change the dictionary for a game in progress.

Note that the English language includes two dictionaries: one is represented by the United States' flag (the Merriam-Webster dictionary), while the other English dictionary is represented by the United Kingdom's flag (the Collins dictionary).
The following dictionaries are available to play:
  • English - US: Merriam-Webster
  • English - UK: Collins official Scrabble Dictionary, digital edition 2021
  • French: L’officiel du jeu Scrabble Larousse 2019
  • Spanish: Spanish definitions and FISE 2017
  • Portuguese: Lexico 2017
  • German: Duden and JOR
  • Italian: Zanichelli