Scores are automatically calculated when you enter a word. The score of your move is the sum of the letter values in each word formed by your play, plus additional points obtained from placing letters on Premium Squares.

There are four types of Premium Squares - Double Letter, Triple Letter, Double Word, and Triple Word Scores. The letter bonuses multiply the value of individual letters, and the word bonuses multiple the value of the full word. The center star is a Double Word square.

Once a Premium Square has been used, it may not be used again by connecting a new word to that square on a later turn. On later turns, the values of letters played on Premium Squares are simply the face value of that letter.

When you can, forming words that connect two different types of Premium Squares is a great way to rack up points. First, individual letter bonuses are calculated; then, word bonuses are calculated.

If you form multiple words on one play using the same Premium Square, you get the bonus for each word formed.

Playing all seven of your tiles on a turn is known as a “bingo” or a “bonus.” You receive 50 bonus points in addition to the regular score of your word!
When all of the letters have been drawn and one player empties their rack by using their last letter/s, the game is over. The player with tiles remaining on their rack will have the value of those tiles subtracted from their score. This same value will then be added to the score of the player who used up their tiles.