Earn rewards and become a VIP just by playing every day! With the new Prestige System, earn points just by by logging into your game. The more consecutive days you log in, the higher the points you'll receive. All players are automatically enrolled in the Prestige System Your Prestige Rank and Points will be the same on all regions You will never lose your Prestige Rank, but skipping a day of play will break your login streak, and you'll start again at the base number of points. Once you have achieved rank 4, you will be rewarded with a Daily Prestige Mystery Crate that can contain Supply Points, Salvage Tokens, and special Prestige Fighter Tokens. Rewards are also received when you rank up your Prestige to the next level. Rewards include recruits, weapons, gear and time-saving speed up rewards. When you your rewards are ready to claim, you will have the option to send them to another region. Once Rank 5 is reached,additional Prestige Mystery Crates can be purchased in the shop in limited amounts Earning new ranks can also unlock special Prestige Scavenger Missions and extra slots in the Supply Depot. These missions may not appear until after your next daily log in or after you have cycled through some of your current missions. Earn more points by making coins purchases in the shop!