Any player can create a faction as long as they have reached level 5 and have enough Rations to pay the creation fee.

Creating a Faction is an easy process, accomplished by pressing on the Factions button on the town menu, and then tapping on the Create Faction tab. You will then be prompted to choose both a Faction Icon and Name, along with a description of your Faction. If you have the Rations required to create your Faction, then you may press the Create button to finalize your decision.

Do not forget that you will lose your Faction's leadership if you stay, approximately, 14 days inactive in game. If this happens, the leader title will be applied to the next person with the highest rank who is active in game (not necessarily in the Faction's region) and you will be demoted.

Leaving & Kicking
- Leaving a faction is a simple task, performed by simply pressing the Leave Faction button while viewing your Factions profile page.

- If you are kicked from a Faction, then you will not be able to request membership back into that Faction, regardless of the Factions Privacy status. You can however rejoin the Faction if a member sends you an invitation directly. Accepting the invitation will generate a membership request for those who have the privilege to accept new members into the Faction.

Important - Members movement during Faction Events (Level Up Tournament, War, etc...)

When some faction events are running you will no longer have the option to leave your current faction, and you will no longer have the option to kick members of your faction.

This does not affect people's ability to join a faction. Factions can still be joined at any time.

Any restrictions will be removed once the even ends. Please note that some Faction Events will let you leave your faction prior to the rewards being distributed, as an event can end before the rewards are sent. This will result in you forfeiting the rewards your faction has earned and you will become ineligible to receive them. Double check if you received your rewards before deciding to leave a Faction after a Faction event.