Customer Support will not provide any compensation or refunds for Recruits and Rewards purchases. Below you will find an explanation and the best avenue for any player to submit their feedback.

Given the chance based nature of Recruits and Rewards, the results of pulls are unpredictable. The purpose of this design is to accomplish two things. The first is to maintain the rarity and exclusivity of the best characters and items in the game. The second is to still give a chance of the best rewards to every single player, which can happen with any pull. This system accomplishes both things, though may result in good or bad luck for players that participate. Please remember that Recruits and Rewards do not guarantee any particular character or item, and any pack purchases with coins are done at your own risk.

If you have any feedback regarding this system, we would encourage you to visit our forum where our developers and designers are routinely reviewing feedback and suggestions from players. This is a great way to strike up a dialogue and allow a multitude of views to be considered as we look for ways to improve our game. You can find our forums at