Awakened Abilities are augmentations to one or more of a character’s existing four abilities. Similar to normal Abilities, Awakened Abilities will also require materials to unlock and upgrade them, but they will only be used for that specific character and ability. You’ll earn these Awakened Ability materials as you progress through a character’s related Saga. For example, the Pestilence Saga will be the only place to earn the materials for the Pestilence Horseman, Morgan Le Fay

As a preview of the new powers that will be under your control, gaze upon the Awakened Abilities of Morgan Le Fay.

Time Warp, at the new Level 8 will gain:
Apply Speed Up for 2 turns and Immunity for 1 turn to self, an Apocalypse ally, all Darkhold allies, and all Horseman allies.

Fae Queen, at the new Level 6 will gain:
Gain +50% Max Health. DARKHOLD allies gain +50% Max Health. Apocalypse and all HORSEMAN allies gain +50% Max Health.
Gain +100% Resistance. DARKHOLD allies gain +100% Resistance. Apocalypse and all HORSEMAN allies gain +100% Resistance.