Last Updated: 11/19/2024 PST.
Under Investigation
Broken Event Card
- We know the game shows an event card, mostly named "Arena Battle," and does nothing. This does not affect any event; it is just an extra slot not intended to be live.
Missing the "Enter" button to battle world
- It is possible on some devices that you may not see the box surround the text to prompt you to enter on a Battelworld screen, you can tap on the text to still be able to enter, the team is aware and working on a fix.
Battleworld Black Screen
- Workaround: go into combat (Arena, Campaign, etc.) or Alliance war, then go back to the battle world to fix it. This is under investigation.
Soft Lock when playing Spotlight Raids (Sim, Auto or manual)
- This is under investigation.
Inbox messages are out of order.
We are investigating an issue where the inbox messages are out of order
Missing chat notification
The team is investigating an issue where players don't receive a red dot chat notification when receiving a message.