To open a conversation with our support team, please follow these steps.
  • Tap on the Settings icon in the upper right of the screen:
  • Scroll down in the Options window and tap on the Support button

Select the FAQ related to your problem, navigate through it, and see if the information helps you with your issue; if not, go to the bottom and tap the "Chat with us" button to open a conversation.

Below are areas we can help with:

Gameplay Questions - If you have any questions, you can check out our FAQ articles. If the answer you're looking for isn't there, a member of our team can help you out.

Report A Technical Issue Or Bug - We list the status of the major bugs and issues that are under investigation in our Known Issues FAQ article. If you're reporting an unrelated bug, a member of our team can help you out.

Purchase Issues Or Refund Requests - If you're experiencing errors or issues with purchases, our team is here to help. If you'd like to request a refund, we'll check to see if you're eligible to receive one.

Missing Rewards Or Items - If you didn't get or got the incorrect items from an event or quest, let us know. Our team can look into it and deliver missing rewards.

Account Issues, Terms Of Service, Privacy Policy - If you've lost access to your account, want to report a player, or want to learn more about our terms and privacy policies we can help you out.

You can check out our updates on the Marvel Strike Force website:

You can also email us directly at: