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Getting Started
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Technical troubleshooting guidelines
How to force close and then re-launch the app
How to power cycle the device (restart the device)
Attempt Bonuses
Exhausted Effect
Introducing Ultra Cores
How do I Use Ultra Cores?
What Are the Benefits of Ultra Cores?
Time Heist
Commander Level
Roster Power
Account Deletion
Connect To Game Center or Facebook
What is VS Battle?
How can I chat with other players?
What time zone does my game refresh?
What is a Player ID (PID), and where can I locate it?
How do I reset my game and start over?
How do I change my profile name?
How do I request a refund for a purchase made through the App Store/iTunes?
How do I request a refund for a purchase made through the Google Play Store?
What are Dual Offers?
Login Streak
What are Events?
What are Daily Rewards?
How do I find specific gear pieces for particular characters?
What are the blue bar, green bar, and icons above my characters when in combat?
How do I recruit Ultimus?
Why should I spend time playing in Campaigns?
Why do I see particular characters on specific mission nodes?
How do I choose my squad for combat?
What are Challenges?
How many times can I do Challenges?
How can I cycle through squads in Blitz?
What do I do in Blitz?
How is the game choosing my opponents in Blitz?
What is the Raid Difficulty Selector?
How do I play Alliance Raids ?
What are Ultimus Keys?
What is Alliance War?
How do I get my Alliance Ranking Rewards?
I am the Alliance Leader. How do I change the alliance emblem?
How does Arena ranking work?
What are Arena Credits?
When do I receive my Arena rewards?
Are there restrictions for participating in Alliance War?
How do I get War Energy?
What is Alliance Leagues?
How to start Dark Dimension?
What are the rewards for Dark Dimension?
Web Portal - Events and Store
Roster Sync
What is Avengers Tower?
How to climb and earn points in Avengers Tower?
Why can't I use the same character in consecutive battles in Avengers Tower?
What is Pocket Dimension?
What are the requirements to participate in Pocket Dimension?
Can I use the same characters again that have been killed in Pocket Dimension?
Player Community Guidelines
Play Respectfully
Play Fairly
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Difficulties & Scourges
Unlocking Horsemen
Cosmic Crucible Brackets & Seasons
Cosmic Crucible Defenses
Cosmic Crucible Trials
Apocalype Saga
Saga Requirements
Saga Rewards