Where are my Inventory and rewards?

Tap on the bag icon at the top right corner of your home screen. That’s your inventory! You can redeem your Scratchers, Wheels, Dice Claw tokens, and Adventure coins here. When you win rewards, you can claim them from your Inventory, as always!

Where is Adventure?

Adventure is in your Inventory! Access it by tapping the bag icon at the top of your home screen. If you have coins to claim, tapping on them will take you to Adventure.

Where is Tournaments?

Tournaments are now located inside the "PLAY" button. Tournaments and all available games are here!

Where are all the game modes?

All game modes are now inside the "PLAY" button. All available games will appear here, no need to look around! Games like Family Feast, Family Games, Victory Rush, Paint n' Roll, and Prize Climb Bowling will also be here when available.

Where can I see my active buddy matches?

Tap on the “VS” button on the home screen. If you have active buddy matches, you will see them as cards at the bottom of the VS screen. You can also start new Classic matches or High Roller matches from here!

Where is High Rollers?

You can now access High Rollers from the "VS" button. There you can see your open High Rollers matches and start new ones!

Where is my Family?

Tap on the purple icon on your home screen to access your Family lobby. You can also see your Road Trip progress!

Where is Prize Pass?

Prize Pass is on the home screen, next to your profile and Daily Chest. You can even see your progress towards the next milestone!

Where is my Daily Goal Chest?

It’s available on your home screen, in the top right corner, just below the news icon. It displays your current chest level and the progress toward completion!


VS games order

You can change your game order in the options, please follow these instructions! 

  • Go to your profile. 

Profile PVP games order

  • Click on the three dots

 PVP game orders options  

  • Pick settings 

  • Change the switch in the reverse order: 

    When the toggle is on, games will be sorted  [newest to oldest] 

    When the toggle is off, games will be sorted [oldest to newest]