Various game elements & art are cached (stored) on your device to benefit the player experience.
The vast majority of Dice Master images, Custom Dice, Frames, etc., are loaded in this manner, so they are readily available when you want to view them.
If you are on an Android device and wish to clear this cached memory, you can follow Google's steps to free up additional memory:

- Open your phone's Settings app.
- Tap Apps & notifications.
- Tap the app. If you don't see it, first tap See all apps or App info.
- Tap Storage & cache and then Clear cache.
Apple players can achieve the same effect by uninstalling and reinstalling the app; however, please only do this if directed to by Customer Support.
Warning: Uninstalling and Reinstalling can un-link your current account to your app if you are not linked through Apple Game Center or Facebook.
Please also keep in mind: Clearing cached data can free up needed space by removing temporary files. This is a short-term solution. Over time, cached data will build up again.)