What's new on Treasure Hunt?

  • We've introduced an exciting new experience where you can journey through 7 islands with your team!

What are shards now on Treasure Hunt? 

  • The shards are the awesome new collectibles you can find in chests while playing the levels. Plus, you can share them with your buddies!


How are the shards connected to the islands? 

  • When you share your shards with your buddies and complete a progress bar from one of them, you'll earn a token to progress one tile on the islands! And if you receive shards from your friends, you'll get more tokens to progress too!


What are the islands? 

  • They're a fantastic new way players can travel to get cool rewards! Before, you would clear maps; now, you will clear islands! 


What's in the chests on the maps?

  • We removed the jewels, and now chests only give out shards. That's because we moved all the rewards to the islands themselves!


What is the infinite island? 

  • You'll unlock the super-special island after completing the first seven islands. Get excited!"


I need help inviting some friends! 

Since this game is in a test phase, you will be open to invite only the friends you have participating in the test; this is why some of your friends won't be available for invitation.

TH invite issue

There are 5 minutes left. I can't play anymore?! 

Exactly. If there are less than 5 minutes left, you won't be able to start a new game in Treasure Hunt.

So try not to leave the plunder for the last few minutes!