Embark on an exciting adventure with the new Family Road Trip feature! Available exclusively for Families, this feature enables players to collect Miles by winning in ANY game mode (except Versus). Once your Family has gathered enough Miles to reach a Pit Stop, all members can instantly claim rewards. And the best part? You can claim every reward from all the Pit Stops reached during the trip every single day! Gather your Family members and join the journey to endless fun and rewards!

What is my goal in Family Road Trip?

Experience the thrill of the chase in Family Road Trip, where your ultimate objective is to reach as many Pit Stops as possible with your Family. The faster you reach the Pit Stops, the bigger the rewards you can claim on a daily basis. So, gather your Family and embark on an exciting journey to win big!

What is Miles? 

Miles is the unit used to track your family's progress in the exciting Family Road Trip feature of Yahtzee with Buddies. As players in a Family win games, they accumulate Miles that contribute to the overall advancement of the Family in the Road Trip. However, it's worth noting that not all games offer the same amount of Miles. 

Winning in specific game modes such as Survivor, Treasure Hunt, or Tournaments can help you earn Miles at a faster rate.So, keep playing and winning to rack up the Miles and reach the Pit Stops with your family faster!

How do I participate in Family Road Trip?

Simply be a member of a family and win any game mode (except Versus)! Remember, active collaboration with your family members will help you progress faster and earn more rewards.

When does Family Road Trip start?

While Family Road Trip is always available, each Road Trip lasts for 7 days, after which a new journey begins. So, keep playing and winning with your family to reach as many Pit Stops as possible and claim incredible rewards before the Road Trip resets and the journey begins anew!

When can I collect my rewards?

There are two different types of rewards in Family Road Trip: Pit Stop rewards and Daily rewards. 

Every time your family reaches a Pit Stop, all members can claim the reward associated with it. But that's not all! After a Pit Stop's reward is claimed, it's added to the family's pool of daily rewards, which become available at the beginning of each day and can be claimed at any time. 

This means that every reward from all Pit Stops completed during the current Family Road Trip can be claimed as Daily Rewards. For example, if your family reaches Pit Stop 1 on the first day, all members can claim its reward on that day. Then, on the second day, the same reward can be claimed again as a Daily Reward, along with any other rewards from other Pit Stops reached until the Road Trip ends on the seventh day. So, start playing and winning with your family to reach those Pit Stops and claim rewards every day!

What happens if I forget to claim my rewards?

Both Pit Stop and Daily rewards are available to be claimed until the next set of Daily Rewards becomes available or the Road Trip finishes after the seventh day. 

It's crucial to keep in mind that rewards must be claimed before the end of the day, as failing to do so will result in the loss of those rewards. Unfortunately, it's not possible to claim missed rewards on the following day. So, make sure to stay on top of your rewards and claim them promptly to make the most of your Family Road Trip!

What happens if I leave my Family? 

If you are no longer in a Family, you will not be able to gain miles or collect any rewards from Family Road Trip from that Family. Players who are not in a Family cannot participate in Family Road Trip. You can join a new one to gain miles and collect rewards for your new Family.

What happens if I join a Family when the Road Trip has already started?

To be eligible for rewards, you must be a family member at the time the reward becomes available. If you join a family during the day and the Daily Rewards have already become available, you'll need to wait until they're available again to claim them. Similarly, if you join a family that has already reached a Pit Stop before you became a member, you won't be able to collect the reward from that Pit Stop. However, you'll still be able to claim any Pit Stop rewards that become available after you join the family. So, make sure to stay up to date with your family's progress and be an active member to make the most of the rewards in Family Road Trip!

What happens if my family reaches all Pit Stops?

Once your family reaches all Pit Stops, the Road Trip is officially completed. However, the good news is that your family can still claim the maximum amount of daily rewards in the remaining days of the Family Road Trip. So, make sure to keep playing and earning those rewards even after reaching the Final Pit Stop!