How does the Event Leaderboard Work?

This is where you can see how your family is ranked against other families on your leaderboard. The points under your family's name is the total of points earned from all family members' collected points from dishes and ingredients.

How does the Your Family Leaderboard Work?

The points under your name in the Your Family section of the leaderboard are the total number of ingredients you've collected during that Feast Event.

Why Doesn't My Game Score Count Towards My Leaderboard?

Rolled points from dice do not count towards either of your leaderboards. The leaderboards track points earned from ingredient collection & Dish completion. To see how many points you've earned towards your family's score, see the end of each game.


How does the Event Leaderboard Work?

This is where you can see how your family is ranked against other families in your leaderboard. The points under your family's name is the total of points earned from all family members' collected points from dishes and ingredients.

How does the Your Family Leaderboard Work?

The points under your name in the Your Family section of the leaderboard is the total number of ingredients you've collected during that Feast Event.