What is the Contact List Feature in Scrabble GO?

We want to make connecting with the people you care about in Scrabble GO as easy as possible. Now, with the Contact List feature, you can seamlessly connect the contact list on your mobile device with our game and instantly get connected with your friends and family already playing Scrabble GO!

First of your friends to join our world? No problem! You can also use the Contact List feature to send Scrabble GO app invites to your friends who aren’t yet playing Scrabble GO, and receive in-game rewards when they download and join!

Scrabble GO is always more fun with friends!

What benefits will I receive for connecting my contact list to Scrabble GO?

There are many great reasons to connect your contact List to Scrabble GO:
  • Connect with your friends and family members already playing Scrabble GO
  • Send invites to your friends and family not playing Scrabble GO. Earn rewards when your friends download and join our game!
  • Become a member of the Scrabble GO Social VIP program!
Is the Contact List Feature Required to play Scrabble GO?

No. Syncing your contact list is completely optional. We are offering this feature to you as an easy way to find and engage with the people you care about the most, but it is not required to fully enjoy and experience Scrabble GO.

How are you matching me with my contacts?

We’ve developed a feature that helps match the contacts you share from your device with existing Scrabble GO players. This helps identify your friends in Scrabble GO and gives you an easy way to engage with those you care about the most. If your contacts aren’t already Scrabble GO players, this feature also allows you to easily invite them to play with you.
To use the Scrabble GO Contact List feature:
  • Scrabble GO must be available for download in your current country / territory
  • You must have access to a mobile phone number that is personal to you and that can receive & validate a verification code delivered via SMS