How is Scrabble Score calculated?
Your overall Scrabble Score is the sum of your Scrabble Category Scores for each of the five main game categories tracked by the Scrabble Score feature. These categories are listed below.

Each game category has its own unique stats and categories that we use to evaluate your and rank your performance. Regularly engaging in all areas of Scrabble Go is the best way to increase your overall Scrabble Score.

The 5 Scrabble Category Scores are as follows:
  • Scrabble Classic Score - Tracks and rates your performance in Scrabble and Scrabble Classic games
  • Duels Score - Tracks and rates your performance in Duels games
  • Arena Score - Tracks and rates your performance in Arena games
  • Collections Score - Tracks and rates your progress collecting Tiles found in treasure chests across the Game
  • Scrabble Club Score - Tracks and rates your performance in activities related to Scrabble Club