Inside the bank section, you'll also find your defender rewards, a log of all battles that have been launched against you. Don’t forget to check this log every now and then as each battle will grant different rewards for you.
There’are different types of crates in World of Mayhem. You can always tap on the information icon above them to check what rewards they may contain. Each crate comes with its own timer so you'll need it to go to zero in order to open it. Alternatively, you can speed up this process with gems.
Our list of crates includes:
Archetype booster crates → These crates contain different amounts of gold plus archetype boosters (Attacker, Defender and Support), which are needed to tune up your toons.
Free crates → These crates are given for free every 3 hours and contain different rewards.
XP potion crates → These crates contain different types of XP Potions and gold, which are needed to level up your toons.
Regional crates → These crates contain all the regional materials needed to tune up your toons. For instance, a Farm Crate will contain materials for the Farm region.
Dynamite crates → These crates contain Dynamite in different rarities.
Alliance crates (unlocked at player level 7) → When an Alliance event is active, all stars earned in Brawl will start filling a crate meter. The more stars the Alliance gathers, the better the crate rewards will be by the end of that event.
Special toon crates (unlocked with special events) → These crates contain gold and toon pieces that you need to rank up your toons.
Brawl Crate Banks
Last Updated: 158d