Toons are the heart and soul of the World of Mayhem. As soon as you unlock a new toon, you’ll be able to start using them in battles. Let’s have a look at some basic info:
1. Power → Underneath your toon’s name you’ll find their current power level. The power level is a general indication of how strong a toon is and it is the combination of its Skill Rank, Star Rank and Level. Upgrade these to increase the power of your toons.
2. Stats → To get a detailed view of a toons stats, tap on the information icon to flip the toon card and grant you more visibility on their stats. There are 4 methods to increase a toons stats: Level Up, Star Rank Up, Gadgets and Core Boosts.
3. Role or Archetypes → There are three different toon roles in World of Mayhem: Attackers, Defenders and Support toons. Generally, Attackers are toons that specialize in dealing damage, Defenders aim protect their allies from damage, and Support toons help the team by granting them buffs or healing them. All toons can grant buffs to team members or inflict debuffs on the enemies, this buffs or debuffs are dependent on their role as well.
4. Region → A region is simply an indication of what world region a toon is from, a toon's region depends on its narrative and their backstories. Some events might require players to bring toons from specific regions. Toons from the same region might require similar materials to upgrade them. For example, Desert toons have an affinity towards Dynamite sticks.
5. Rarities → Toons come in four different rarities: Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. Rarity symbolizes how tough it is to acquire a toon and their strength. For example, Legendary toons generally have higher base stats and stronger abilities, they also have more number of abilities, however they are much harder to find. In the World of Mayhem the ranking of these goes as follows: Legendary > Epic > Rare > Common.
6. Themes → Themes or Tags define the overall group of a toon. Toons from the same theme have similar aesthetics and storylines and are mechanically designed to work well perfectly with each other. Toons are always strongest when they are paired with other toons from the same theme as their abilities synergize with each other. If all four of your toons are from the same theme, they have the maximum synergy.
7. Relationships → Based on the lore of the World of Mayhem, toons might gain bonuses if their friends or rivals are present on the battlefield. For example, Bugs Bunny gets a friendship bonus if there is an allied Lola Bunny on their team and it gets a Rivalry bonus if there is a Daffy Duck on the enemy team
8. Toon Level → Toons can be Leveled up using XP potions. Leveling up making your toon stronger as it gains stats per level up. The max level your toons can reach is capped by your current player level.
9. Rank → All toons can be Ranked up by collecting pieces of that specific toon. Ranking Up gives a huge bump of stats, and the maximum Rank a toon can get to is 7.7 Stars.
10. Skills or Abilities → Each toon comes with their own unique skills that they use in battle which can be unlocked or improved using "Tune-Ups". These tune-ups require Materials which can be gathered by winning battles in different game modes.
11. Gadgets → Gadgets are items that can be equipped on different toons. Gadgets grant toons Stat Bonuses or new skills.
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