Enterprise Crew
James T. KirkOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions:Combat Training 33, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,45, 46, 47, 48...
Klingon Patriots
GorkonOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: Combat Training 31, 34, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,45, 46, 47, 48, 49, ...
Nero's Crew
NeroOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: Combat Training 32, 35, 28: Veteran, Combat Training 40, 41, 42, 43, ...
Blood & Honor
KangOfficer shards can be earned through the Premium Officer Chest, the Ultra Officer Chest, and the Crucible of War Officer Chest. Occasion...
Romulan Patriots
Liviana CharvanekOfficer shards can be earned by completing the mission A Galaxy at War Part 13. Additionally, shards can be gained through ...
Section 31
Alexander MarcusOfficer shards can be earned through the Premium Officer Chest, the Ultra Officer Chest, and the Crucible of War Officer Che...
Shakedown Cruise
Christopher PikeOfficer shards can be earned through the Premium Officer Chest, the Ultra Officer Chest, the Discovery Officer Chest, and th...
Surveyors & Miners
T'PringOfficer shards can be earned by completing the mission Precious Materials. Additionally, shards can be gained through the Premi...
Auxiliary Controls
KeenserOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: Gone Too Far, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, and Special Delivery. ...
Khan's Crew
Khan Noonien SinghOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: A Reliable Source, Crossing A Line, Shall We Begin?, Th...
Mudd's Company
Harcourt Fenton MuddOfficer shards can be earned through the Premium Officer Chest, Ultra Officer Chest, the Outlaw Faction Chest, and, occa...
Starfleet Academy
Lucia GonzalesOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: Arbitration, Crashlander, Detainment, Diamonds in the...
Glory in the Kill
KrasOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: Combat Training 30: Veteran, Combat Training 33: Soldier, Combat Trai...
Another Time
Cadet KirkOfficer shards can be earned through the Standard Officer Chest, available for all players Ops level 35+.Instr. SpockOfficer shard...
Borg 1 of 11Officer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: And You Will Know Us... Part 1, The Fate of the Broken,...
Discovery Origins
Origins BurnhamOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: Intuition and Odd Shapes on the Horizon. Additionally, sha...
BurnhamOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: Swings and Roundabouts Part 1 and Part 5. Additionally, shards can...
Terran Empire
Emperor GeorgiouOfficer shards can be earned through the Discovery Officer Chest and Ultra Recruit Chest. Occasionally, more shards can be a...
TOS KirkOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: A Rude Awakening Part 1, A Rude Awakening Part 2, Doomsday Part 1...
Next Gen DataOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: Small Favor, Crosshairs, Quarantine, Razor, Rite of Passage,...
DataOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: Beyond Horizons, In the Failures of the Past, Ours By Might, Riddles ...
Khitomer's Revenge
Honorguard WorfOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: Duality Part 3, 6, 10, Refraction Part 1 and 5. Additional...
Pride of Romulus
SelaOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: A Galaxy at War Part 10, Liberation Part 1, 7, and 10. Additionally, ...
Syndicate Officers
GhrushOfficer shards can be earned by completing the mission Loyalty Part 5 and as rewards, as you progress through the Syndicate. You can a...
Ferengi Conglomerate
ArrockSome hints on Arrock's location are hidden in the mission Fly by Night Part 5. Last we heard of him, he was trying to close a deal wit...
Lower Decks
Beckett MarinerOfficer shards can be earned by completing the following missions: An Unwelcome Surprise Part 10, Scapegoats Part 3, Uncivil ...
Strange New Worlds
SNW PikeOfficer shards can be found by completing Special Events and in the Offers tab.SNW SpockOfficer shards can be found by completing Sp...
Battleship Strike Team
SNW LaAnOfficer shards can be found by completing the mission The Flight of the Manor Four Part 5, as a reward in Special Events and the Off...
DS 9
Benjamin SiskoOfficer shards can be earned by completing Special Events, through the Bajoran Elite Loot Exchange or in Bajoran Solo Armada...
Reginald BarckleyOfficer shards can be found by completing Holodeck missions and mission Silver Screen Part 1 and 2. Shards can also be foun...
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