Q: What are G6 Solo Armadas?

A: G6 Solo Armadas are a new type of armada that are designed specifically for higher level players. Unlike group armadas, these are solo challenges that allow individual players to engage with armada targets in Level 61+ systems.

Q: Where are the G6 Solo Armadas located?

A: The G6 Solo Armadas are located in existing Level 61+ systems, including hazardous systems.

Q: What do I need to participate in G6 Solo Armadas?

A: You will need a new type of solo armada directive specifically for G6 Solo Armadas.

Q: What rewards can I earn from G6 Solo Armadas?

A: The main rewards include

Faction ship blueprints

Faction credits

Refined materials

Refined ship parts

Sigma Resources and Speedups

Armada directives

Q: Are there any special rewards unique to G6 Solo Armadas?

A: Yes, players can earn Rare Hazard Particles, which are used to unlock approximately 15 new nodes in the Hazards section of the G6 combat research tree. These nodes provide G6-specific buffs, including:

Time efficiency for buildings, research, and ship repairs

Enhanced officer attack, defense, and health stats

Increased hazard resistance for rare G6 surveyors

G6-specific combat buffs for improved PvP performance

Q: Why should I complete the new research nodes?

A: Because they offer specialized buffs that enhance your G6 gameplay by improving efficiency in time-consuming tasks, boosting officer stats to meet higher G6 requirements, and increasing the effectiveness of your ships in hazardous environments and PvP combat.

Q: Will G6 Solo Armadas make my G6 ships more competitive?

A: They will, the G6-specific combat buffs and other enhancements introduced through these solo armadas are designed to make G6 ships more competitive, particularly in PvP, where they may have previously been perceived as weaker compared to G5 ships.

Q: How do I earn the Rare Hazard Particles needed for the new research nodes?

A: Rare Hazard Particles are earned exclusively through G6 FKR Solo Armadas, making participation in these events essential for unlocking the new research nodes and their associated buffs.