Q: Why can’t Sarris stop being a jerk and what does he want now?

A: In true Sarris’ fashion, he has begun a three-day invasion in the Star Trek Fleet Command universe. His minions have taken over existing systems, challenging players to reclaim their territory. He’s making this a full-blown global event now! A massive server-wide effort will be needed to weaken the strength of the invasion and drive Sarris's forces back to the [redacted] place they’ve come from. Rally your allies and prepare for an epic battle to defend the galaxy!

The event will last for 3 days and will be rolled out when the new arc kicks off.

Event Phases

Phase 1: Fatu-Krey Invasion

Hostile Spawn: Existing systems in the STFC universe will spawn Fatu-Krey hostiles. Please destroy them, they’re not nice guys.

New Loot: Hostiles will carry new loot that can be exchanged in the Event Store.

Visibility: When the event starts, hostiles spawn, and systems are marked via the galaxy view. They despawn when the events end.

Phase 2: Server Defense vs. Sarris's Invasion Fleet

Server-Wide Event (Starts at Day 1): A collective effort is required to face Sarris's Invasion Fleet and push them back. Remember that one player from that one alliance? Yeah, you’re facing a common enemy now.
New Systems: Introduction of new systems containing Fatu-Krey and Klingon hostiles (they have allied for some reason) and invading entities called ‘Chimera'.

Visibility: Sarris’ ship hologram will be visible via the galaxy view over the invasion systems when the event starts.The Invasion strength progress bar will be visible as well and its strength is tied directly to the progress of the event.

Invasion Combat Mechanics

Chimera combat will conclude under the following conditions:

- Ship Destruction: Combat ends if the ship is destroyed before the round limit is reached. The limit will be 10 rounds. Note that the Chimera health will not regenerate in between fights.

- Round Limit Reached: Combat ends if the round limit is reached and the ship is not destroyed.

Post-Combat Outcome (if the Round Limit is Reached):

- After accounting for all damage taken during combat, the ship exits the battle with its remaining HP.

- The battle is classified as a draw.

- A participation chest is rewarded for each battle engaged in combat.

If you are Defeated:- In the unlikely event of you losing to Sarris’ forces, keep in mind that you won’t get any loot.

Other Participation Requirements:

- Cost: Brand new “Blue Particle Accelerators” will be used to participate (you get them primarily by destroying the Fatu-Krey, and more can be found in the Offers tab).

- 1 Ship Limit: Only one ship can be used in combat. We recommend that you take a good one, you decide which one - good luck!