An Epic G4 (level 40+) Explorer, the Protector comes from a different time and space to combat Sarris and his minions, while being a great all-around ship with a very interesting support skill.

Q: OK, a new Ship, awesome! But the first question is, what exactly does NSEA stand for?

A: That’s a great question! NSEA stands for National Space Exploration Administration.

Q: Besides looking amazing, what is the primary role of this Ship?

A: Do you like to survive hostile encounters? Because you might crash and burn a lot less if you fly the Protector and use its abilities. And if you want to venture into the Mirror Universe, with high impulse and warp speed, the Protector will cut distances like a knife on hot butter, or whatever the space equivalent is.

Q: Sounds good, but is that all it does in the Mirror Universe? 

A: Nope, allow me to continue - using the NSEA Protector in the Mirror Universe will also give you increased damage against the MU hostiles and a boost to raw trellium mining. But that’s not all - the Protector will open up 15 new systems in the Mirror Universe (it will be the only ship capable of reaching them without being quickly destroyed by a lethal minefield hazard) and a whole new Mirror Research expansion. And by the way, the new areas of the MU will have new hostiles (Omega Mirror Universe Hostiles) that will drop a new raw trellium variant (Omega) that can be refined into 2 different variants of Mirror Dust and also Prime Particles.

Q: What exactly do I get when I refine raw omega trellium?

A: Liquid Omega Trellium and Omega Mirror Dust. Cooldown time for those will be 22 hours.

Q: I do like expanding my capabilities - what will we have in the Mirror Research expansion?

A: There’s a lot of improvements coming with these research nodes, let me list those for you:

- Rift key travel cost reduction

- Critical damage floor

- Isolytic damage for FKR ships

- Cost efficiencies for research materials and resources (including sigma)

- War Room and Artifact Gallery

- Ship upgrades and scrap speed

- Apex Barrier in PvP

- Opponent critical damage reduction and general damage improvements for Commanders

- Ω Omega-13 Device

The nodes are unlocked using the new Omega Mirror Dust that can only be earned with the NSEA Protector.

Q: That’s a long list. But wait—what’s this Omega-13 thing?

A: Glad you asked! The Omega-13 Device is the new Ship ability of the NSEA Protector. Your ship will now survive battle if it would have been destroyed with X% of hull health (this can be further increased via Refts and Nodes). Keep in mind that this ability targets both self and all other players in the vicinity, friends or foes, whatever you decide. It alters time, so it’s like you go back in time before the final blow is dealt to your ship. The ability will consume Omega-13 Matter, they’re physical samples of pure, distilled, temporal energy. Really high-tech stuff. Actually, we should have started our description of the NSEA Protector with the Omega-13, because it’s pretty great.

(Omega-13)      (Omega-13 Matter)