What’s new with this release?

We are concluding the two-part "Strange New Worlds" arc and adding SNW James Kirk and Pelia to the crew. We're also introducing a powerful refit for the Monaveen and a brand new ship - the Gorn Eviscerator.

The Gorn Eviscerator

The Gorn Eviscerator introduces the capability to create 'Spatial Rips', allowing for rapid transit between space systems. This feature permits players to instantly transport their Alliance members to the location of the Spatial Rip, a very helpful asset to any Alliance, not only for travel but for new and exciting PVE/PVP strategies. Additionally, it is the inaugural ship equipped with one of its passive abilities being Isolytic Damage (against the Gorn Hunters), making it perfect for swift advancement in the loop.

Q: What is the Gorn Eviscerator’s "Spatial Rip" ability and how does it function?

A: The "Spatial Rip" is an active ability that allows Commanders to create a temporary one-way portal to their current system. This enables alliance members to instantly join them. When the portal is activated, an automatic message is sent to the alliance chat. To use the portal, allies need to access the System Viewer of the system where the Rip was created and insta-warp through it.

  • Duration:
     T1: 3mins / T15: 8 Mins and 50 Secs

  • Ship Limit:
    T1: 5 / T15: 20

Q: Are there any limitations or additional features associated with the Spatial Rip?

A: Yes, several features and limitations accompany the Spatial Rip:

Duration Timer: A timer displays the duration of the Rip, which disappears when the timer ends.

Usage Counter: The portal tracks how many ships can use it, not players. For larger alliances, multiple Rips may be required.

System Level Restrictions: Usage is restricted to any system within the players grade and below. For example, a player in G5 (Ops 51 - 60) will be able to travel to any system that is below level 61.

Higher-level systems remain inaccessible unless the player has already unlocked them.

Insta-recall: After a ship travels through a Spatial Rip, players will receive a one-time, free insta-recall back to the system where their Station is located.

Ship Upgrades: Developing the Eviscerator increases the number of ships that can pass through the Rip and extends the Rip's duration, while reducing the cooldown of the Spatial Rip ability on the Gorn Eviscerator itself.

Q: What are the Ships' passive abilities and their benefits?

A: There are two passive abilities:

Hunt the Hunters: This ability increases Isolytic Damage against Gorn Hunters. The damage enhancement scales with the ship’s tier, making it highly effective in combat against these hostiles.

Rigorous Extraction: This enhances the quantity of Apex Isomatter gained from defeating Gorn Hunters, with the increased scaling with the ship’s level.

Q: How do upgrades affect the Gorn Eviscerator and related resources?

A: Upgrading the Gorn Eviscerator brings several benefits:

Increased Resource Gain: Each tier increase boosts the amount of Axion Plasma gained through the daily claim.

New Refinery Addition: An Eviscerator-specific refinery will be added to the Isomatter Refinery to process those collected resources.