How to redeem a promo code?

Promo codes are very easy to redeem; you just need to follow the below steps:

Save your game with a Scopely Account. To find the exact steps please check here.

Access our official website, click on the “Store” icon, and log in with your Scopely Account.

Access “Redeem Code” on the left-hand menu.

Enter your Promo code and go back to the game to enjoy your reward!

Promo codes eligibility

Promo codes are often used as a welcome for new Commanders, to reward Commanders' loyalty, or to promote special events or new game features. Each code will be addressed to a very specific group of Commanders, and it's not transferable.

STFC promo codes are distributed through social media, email newsletters, or other promotional channels.

Make sure to stay tuned to all the below:

Keep an eye on our official social media channels!

Save your game with Scopely Account and join our newsletter!

Check our website and Discord!

Is there an expiration date?

Yes, every promo code will have a start and end date. If the promo code is expired, it will not be redeemable. Please bear in mind that the promo code duration cannot be extended; also expired codes will not be changed/swapped for active ones.

Is it possible to accumulate and use more than one code at a time?

Yes, if a Commander is eligible for more than one promo code. However, redeeming more than one code at a time will not be possible.

Error “You are not eligible”

Each code has a specific audience. If you receive “you are not eligible” after entering a code, it might be because you were not targeted for this promo code, but don’t worry, there will be more to come! You could also get this message because your code hasn’t gone live or it has expired.

I forgot my code!

We are not able to retrieve promo codes; please make sure to redeem them in a timely manner.