Peace shields prevent enemy ships from attacking your Station. All peace shields dissipate over time. If you have a peace shield active, you will see a timer next to a peace shield icon on the right side of your screen indicating how much time you have before your shield deactivates.
Free 10-minute Peace Shield
A free 10-minute peace shield is automatically activated after the first attack on your Station. Note that this will only activate once every 2 hours. If you get attacked by more than one player within the same two hours, the 10-minute peace shield will only be activated for the very first attack within that period. The free peace shield will prevent any further attacks from happening in the following 10 minutes, giving you enough time to apply a longer shield and protect your Station.
Activating a Peace Shield
You can always manually activate a peace shield by tapping on the same Shield icon on the right. Alternatively, you can go to your Items, tap on the Other tab and select the peace shield you wish to activate. There are peace shields of various lengths in the game, make sure you pick the right one before leaving the game. Attacking another player’s ship or station will automatically disable your peace shield regardless of how much time remains until it naturally deactivates.
Keep in mind that Peace Shields don't add up, if you have an active shield and you activate one that would last longer than the current one, the second shield will overwrite the existing one instead of adding time. It is also not possible to activate a shield that last less than an existing shield.
Deactivating your Peace Shield
Targeting another player's Ship or Station will automatically deactivate your Peace Shield, regardless of how much time it had remaining. There is a warning in-game indicating that. If you are not sure if you have just deactivated a shield, we advise restarting the app to ensure your Shield timer has refreshed and is displaying the actual state of your Shield.