How can I cancel a subscription?

You can stop a subscription from recurring by canceling at any time, at least 24 hours before the end of the current subscription period. If you are on a free trial, your trial services will be halted and may no longer be accessible upon canceling.

Instructions for Android

If you need more help, please see Google’s Help Center.

Web Portal via Xsolla

Instructions for iPhone and iPad

  • 1) Go to Settings > iTunes & App Store
  • 2) Tap your Apple ID at the top of the screen. A box with selections will appear.
  • 3) Tap “View Apple ID”. You might need to sign in or use Touch ID.
  • 4) Tap “Subscriptions” and tap on the WWE: Champions subscription.
  • 5) At the bottom of the view, select “Cancel subscription”

If you can’t find Subscriptions in Settings, tap on this link on your iPhone or iPad:

If you need more help or want instructions for cancelling subscriptions on a Mac, please see