How can I cancel a subscription?
You can stop a subscription from recurring by canceling at any time, at least 24 hours before the end of the current subscription period. If you are on a free trial, your trial services will be halted and may no longer be accessible upon canceling.
Instructions for Android
- 1) Sign in to Google’s Subscriptions and services.
- 2) Find the WWE: Champions subscription and tap or click Manage.
- 3) Choose "Cancel Subscription"
If you need more help, please see Google’s Help Center.
Web Portal via Xsolla
Instructions for iPhone and iPad
- 1) Go to Settings > iTunes & App Store
- 2) Tap your Apple ID at the top of the screen. A box with selections will appear.
- 3) Tap “View Apple ID”. You might need to sign in or use Touch ID.
- 4) Tap “Subscriptions” and tap on the WWE: Champions subscription.
- 5) At the bottom of the view, select “Cancel subscription”
If you can’t find Subscriptions in Settings, tap on this link on your iPhone or iPad:
If you need more help or want instructions for cancelling subscriptions on a Mac, please see