Lucky Coin: Flip a coin for a 50% chance at free Bonus Round entry after the standard round.

Where do I get Lucky Coins?
- This can be obtained as a reward randomly from Souvenir Boxes, Event Boxes, Star Chests, Tournament rewards, or Millionaire Mile Chests. This can also be redeemed in Vanna's Showcase using the required letters.


Where can I use the Lucky Coin?
- Lucky Coins cannot be used manually. It will only appear if you were not able to solve the puzzle successfully to continue to the Bonus Round.


Can it be used in other parts of the game?
- Lucky Coins will not appear in Tournaments, Head-to-Head, or Fast Play.


What is a Timed Lucky Coin?
- Timed Lucky Coin is a Lucky Coin with a duration. It means that it will be used as long as there is remaining time for it. After it expires, it will use your regular Lucky Coin.


How many times can I use the Lucky Coin?
- Lucky Coins can only be used once per round. If you get an X, it only means that you will not be able to continue to the Bonus Round anymore as it cannot be used again for the same round.